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What is my boat worth?

Probably less than you think, would be the wisecracking answer because as with cars and other luxury items, boats do suffer a certain amount of depreciation over time.  The amount of TLC your boat has received over the years will play a key factor in determining how much of its value it has held, so keeping up to date with the maintenance is a form of investment protection.

The waterway magazine publisher Fluvial has a very useful interactive guide that matches boat details from its comprehensive database against prices asked by advertisers [in French].


There are a number of websites offering boat valuations and no doubt using sophisticated algorithms to assess worth, but the boat market can be both nuanced and localised and the kind of expertise required to decide what the market will bear in any given place or time is well worth investing in.  Your boat could languish for many months – or even years – falling further and further down the listings on a website losing value the longer it remains unsold, whereas employing the services of a boat broker to advise on what you need to do in terms of renovation and repairs to maximize the potential price, and then to achieve this price for you in a timely fashion is probably the best way to realise its worth.  So the answer to the question of what my boat worth is worth is simple – the most that you can get for it, but with a significant asset it is usually worth hiring the best professional help that you can.  We have always found that Boatshed representatives in different parts of the world are well-informed and well-connected, and easily earn their commissions.

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More Buying and Selling Advice from Waterways Boats . . .